About Us

Walker 100

Our Story

Evolving from a young girl's love of baking in her parents' kitchen (read: eating raw Pillsbury cookie dough), followed by an annual Thanksgiving bake-off challenge, Big Fat Lion Bakeshop has been shaped by the people we love most. The addition to the family's tradition of a celiac boyfriend-turned-husband, we thought "how are we going to make these desserts taste good?!" A few years later, we upped the ante with a sister-in-law that had a slightly longer list of dietary restrictions (dairy, soy, gluten, egg, and nut free) and we just about gave up! The founder of BFL Bakeshop, being a BIG foodie and having been diagnosed with a life-affecting autoimmune disease, has come to know a thing or two about the impact of lifestyle and diet. We don't believe we should have to give up taste or quality, and while taking it upon ourselves to do a lot of "research" we've managed to surprise even ourselves with what we've been able to bake up!

Our Goal

Working to re-frame allergen-free baked goods in the city of Kelowna with a unique brand experience from start to finish. Big Fat Lion Bakeshop strives to offer a unique assortment of treats that reflect our community and the needs/attitudes/expectations of our customers. We're about individual needs. We're obsessed with quality. We think food should be fun.